Military Service Armed Forces Covenant
The Armed Forces Covenant
Under the Armed Forces Covenant, all veterans are entitled to priority access to NHS care (including hospital, primary or community care) for conditions associated to their time within the armed forces (service related). However, this is always subject to clinical need and does not entitle you to jump the queue ahead of someone with higher clinical need.
In order to apply the Covenant, the practice needs to know that you served. Therefore, if you have been a member of the Regular or Reserve Armed Forces (Royal Navy, Army or Royal Air Force) (which includes National Service) please download and complete the form below and return it to your usual surgery. If your spouse served (even if they have since passed away) please also complete the form and send it in, it may still help you at some stage in the future.
For full details of the Armed Forces Covenant and the NHS, please visit:
Military Service Questionnaire to download here:
Military Service Questionnaire
Click here to complete the form online.